Getting Tired of Steve Harvey Rolling His Eyes on Family Feud

Family Feud'southward principal source of funny is Steve basically saying what the audience is thinking and berating contestants for giving stupid answers, mostly being shocked if the answer is actually on the board. Thanks to the testify's official YouTube folio, he got major points with the fanbase before Flavor 12 even began. He'due south besides responsible for the show's ratings existence improve than they've ever been before.

When you're done laughing, head dorsum over to the Feud'southward chief funny moments page for more from the show.

  • "When people talk about 'The Large One', what do they refer to?" The kickoff reply? A man's privates. Cue the most ballsy "WTF?!" confront from Steve.

    Steve: ..."Family"! "Family unit"! I just got this job! What are you trying to do?!

  • During a question asking for a word or phrase that starts with "Pot", a contestant responded with "Potato."Steve, after being shocked for a few seconds (and tin exist seen mouthing "Potato?"), responded to both the family unit and audience with "Why you lot clapping?" After explaining the trouble with the contestant'south reply, he stated that "I'grand gonna just... start walking towards the [other] family." As it turned out, "Potato" was on the lath, shocking Steve once again and prompting him to beg for the contestant'south forgiveness.
    • Not simply was it on the board, it was the number 2 reply.
  • "In this bad economic system, what might Santa Claus have to do to ane of his reindeer?" "Eat one." Steve then proceeded to tear into the guy and his family ("You cease high-fivin' him!"), taking said response to its logical farthermost. So it was on the board, stunning Steve to the bespeak where he could simply muster a small "Wow."
  • "Name a brute people sometimes get rid of by flushing information technology downward the toilet." A very innocent-looking teenage girl dressed similar she read some Dawson-era fashion tips answers the stuff that y'all unremarkably flush down the toilet. Steve's reaction is only a piffling TMI.
  • "Nosotros asked 100 men. Name a part of your body that's bigger than it was when yous were 16." The 2nd contestant gives the answer yous've all been waiting for, to which Steve slowly crumples to the floor... all while the timer continues to count down. Later information technology hits zero, well... but picket. (The full round was MUCH worse, though.)
  • Not on the evidence's YouTube folio but however unaired, this exchange where Steve celebrates the birthday of the cue menu lady. He then points out her hubby "Woodstock" (so named because he'southward "been a hippie his entire life"), merely to notice that Don (the man standing to Steve's right who gives him each question bill of fare) was the cue card lady's first husband.

    Steve: Well, welcome to Family Feud everybody. ... Right later the show, exterior, Don and Woodstock are gonna be boot each other'southward donkey.

  • During a question asking for something that a person with long legs might non be able to fit into, a contestant responded with "Long Pants." Steve responded by walking over to the contestant and basically lecturing her as a begetter would to his daughter over her option. Steve's next reaction says it all.
  • Oct 2010: A daughter nicknamed Double-D.

    Steve: can do that on Family Feud? This is the greatest prove I've ever had!

  • Steve cheers a strike.
  • Information technology'due south not uncommon for a family to reveal all the answers on the board, and it has happened many times with no Strikes. A pastor's family doing a Strikeless Sweep on this question is... well, it probably hasn't happened before or since.

    Steve: (grinning) I gotta get to this church!

  • Later in the same episode, "Proper name something a burglar would non want to see when he breaks into a firm." "Nekkid grandmaw!" The best part? It was the #2 reply (listed as "Gun/Occupant)".

    Opponent: (deadpan) I wouldn't desire to see that, either.

  • "Name a profession where y'all might get booed." "A comedian." Despite the exact backspacing the poor girl cut loose with, Steve looked like he took it personally.
  • During Fast Money: "Name a job that's muddied, but someone has to exercise information technology." "Plumber. [buzz-buzz] Uh .... Gynecologist."
  • These iii questions have the same train of thought by the contestants.

    Steve: This is when you know we're goin' to Hell.

  • "Proper name a reason why someone may exit a firm through the window." Vanessa gives an respond ("They lock themselves in the house, with the bolt lock-the extra lock on top.") which Steve notes has already been given ("Lost Key / Locked In") past literally walking up to the lath and pointing at information technology... only she says information technology's different ("Maybe you spell 'lock' with ii Ks"). She re-phrases her answer as "the deadbolt is stuck", to which Steve just says "Okay, I tell you what, let'southward just go with this ane correct here." Information technology'due south accepted every bit "Cleaved Door" . Steve, shocked by the discovery, ends upwards hugging and kneeling down to her.

    Steve: Forgive me, I'm sorry. I thought that was the stupidest answer...

  • Opposite to what Steve heard at first, this contestant did not say "my black-donkey parents".
  • May 2011: Name a kind of crack. No, seriously.

    Steve: (resignedly) This show is going to hell.

  • "Name something a human being might give a nickname to." "His private parts." Steve's reaction says it all.

    Steve: Plainly, this isn't the testify I thought information technology was...

    • Even more hilarious was that information technology came out on the lath equally "His Ding-Dong".
  • September 16, 2011: "Proper name something yous see in every scary movie."
  • Fall 2011: "Name something you put in your oral cavity but don't swallow." A pastor's wife gives the dirty answer you're more than likely thinking of (sperm), and Steve responds with probably the best "The Reason Yous Suck" Speech in the history of the genre... non only to her, but perhaps also to the show, which has been using these kinds of questions on purpose.

    Steve: (mocking her) "We're goin' for the money, and then that makes information technology alright! It doesn't thing I'm a pastor's wife, a ticket to Hell is worth $20,000! Yous know it's upwardly there, Steve-" (normal) No, I don't know a damn thing that's up in that location! What you ain't gonna do is drag me into your little nasty world! I don't know nothin' that's up in that location! "Oh, Steve, you know what'southward upwardly there-" The hell I know what'southward upwardly there!.... I have kids. Now... sp-spe...
    (Strike sound plays; Steve goes into Happy Dance mode every bit the contestant looks shocked)

    • Made even funnier by the fact that Steve anticipates the respond, and prefaces all of this with a "Think of the Censors!" spiel. And so he visibly grimaces when he realizes his plea cruel on deaf ears.
    • Before that, Steve asks the question, sees the huge grin on the contestant'southward face, and mutters "Wow" and backs up.

    Steve: [Have] you lot ever walked upwardly to somebody, saw the look on their face, and you but KNOW?

  • "Name something an airline pilot may be holding during a long flight?"
  • "Which of the Seven Dwarfs best describes your married woman in bed?" A Youtube commenter described it best:

    "You know you've entered dangerous waters when even a Marine refuses to answer a question."

    • To his credit, the Marine finally throws himself on that grenade, so... Hoo Rah.
    • Even meliorate, someone else in the comments pointed out the Marine had a Gainsay Activity Ribbon and a Purple Centre.
  • "Name something that gets passed effectually" "A Joint". Despite Steve'due south reaction, information technology'due south on the board. What makes this moment even better is the other contestant'southward answer, "a church collection plate" was worth less, and it was the only answer on the board worth less than "a articulation"

    Steve: Information technology scored less than the articulation. This is not good.

  • Nov 7, 2011: Proper name the all-time dressed game evidence host. "Steve Harvey" is up in that location... in the last slot. Steve is incredulous, but at least the audience cheers for him.
  • Steve loses it over inconsistent judging surrounding the question "Name something that comes out of a hole."
  • Name something you might see a squirrel at the park doing with his nuts. Made even funnier when someone responded with "Eating nuts" when Harvey didn't even finish the question, the aforementioned person later proverb "Bear witness me basics!" The clincher, though, is the end of the round, where the last answer is revealed to exist "scratching them", at which bespeak Steve tosses away his carte in utter exasperation.

    Steve: We'll be right back! ...If we notwithstanding accept a show!

  • Name something a homo might have in his pants when he'due south going on a hot date. One contestant knows her answer'southward going to be inappropriate and tries to be as PG every bit possible past maxim "He's excited to get on his engagement." Steve knew what she was talking about but wanted her to be more than specific. Her new answer? Boner. Steve's reaction was priceless:

    Steve: You tin can say that on TV? What are you lot clappin' for?! YOU SAID Boner! YOU SAID IT, YOU DIDN'T ASK ME IF YOU COULD SAY THAT! YOU SAID It, AND And so YOU SAID "DO I Accept TO Make YOU SAY Information technology AGAIN?" I DIDN'T MAKE Y'all SAY IT IN THE Starting time PLACE!

    • Number five respond, phrased as "a pitched tent", worth v points.
  • "Name something that follows the word 'pork'" Firstly, Steve misunderstands a contestant's guess of "Loin" as "Lawn" due to her accent (she proceeded to blurt out "50-I-O-N! Loin!" to clarify information technology). So another member of the family took it further by guessing "-cupine" (equally in porcupine, with the same logic every bit the "Pot-ato" incident). Steve's reaction says it all.
    • The proper name of the daughter that gave the "Loin" respond? Punkin.
    • And so Steve devotes a whole segment of his stand-upward finale to it hither (note: language NSFW).
  • "Name something that has white balls." The number 6 reply was "White Dudes".
  • During Fast Money, "Proper name something you lot might put on top of a salad." Immediately realizing he made a major mistake, the 2d contestant says "Whipped cream". Steve declares it to be his favorite.
  • "Name an occupation where someone wears a robe." "What is a surgeon?" Steve chastises the contestant for answering in the course of a question.
  • "A married woman tin can actually cut her husband downwards to size by making fun of his what?" His manhood. (Which is the number 1 reply, labeled as Shrinky Dinky)

    Steve: All you women that'southward out there clapping, heed to me... Don't call information technology your man's Shrinky Dinky, okay, y'all'll wind up in a real state of affairs, I can tell you that right now. You lot got a lot of stuff, but what I own't 'bout to be is Shrinky Dinky.

    • Totally true, if The Powerpuff Girls are to be believed.
  • "Name something that will ruin a kiss." Ane of the contestants answers "a moustache." Steve'due south expression is priceless.
    • The next answer? "Huge lips."
  • "Proper name something that comes in 6-inch and 12-inch sizes." One contestant answers "condoms", and Steve loses it. Unlike a previous episode with this question, condoms were not on the board. As well surprising is that no i gave the other obligatory answer in that particular realm, "Guy's 'Soul Pole'".
    • Later during Fast Coin, the contestants give "Titties" (iv points!) and "Tush" (2 points!) as body parts starting with the letter "T". In the case of the former, Steve is shocked and amazed that the contestant said it without an ounce of hesitation

    Steve: Without hesitation. And he saw admittedly nothing wrong!

  • "Name a place on your trunk you wouldn't desire a doctor to stick his finger." With a similarly hilarious level of conviction, members of the aforementioned family answer with "In the butt." (number ane answer!) and "Vagina" (not on the board).
  • 2012: "Name a identify on your torso that a md might look in with a little flashlight." The offset contestant of the episode's "Fast Money" circular, April, answers "Butt," leading Steve to later joke that if his doctor shines a flashlight in that area during an test, "me and that man [his dr.] right there, we gonna tear that whole office up (i.due east., Steve will fight him)." To both Steve and the audition's surprise, the reply earns 11 points! The hilarity is amplified further when Apr'due south sister, Bonita, gives the same answer when she has to answer the aforementioned survey questions!... which non only prompts a buzzer, but causes the audience to immediately burst out laughing, Steve to walk off to the other side of the stage and April to give Bonita a high-v.
  • Oct 2012: "Name something parents hope their son has washed by the fourth dimension he'southward 30." "Have sex." The other contestant (and somewhen, anybody else) realizes just how "interesting" the answer was; Steve had to emphasize that they were looking for what the parents hoped. Information technology did score ii points equally "Scored/Sown Oats", though.
    • From the aforementioned episode: "Nosotros asked 100 married women: name a movie monster your husband acts like when he'southward angry." Beginning, although she had won face up off with a happy cheer (outscoring her opponent'southward "Godzilla" with "King Kong"), her family non only fails to celebrate, they tell her to pass. Perhaps a wise selection, as the opponent family fails to estimate any other monster (Dracula failed to brand the lath despite being their only reasonable reply), and the but reason they got the steal was "The Hulk". Capping the applesauce is Steve's reaction to the No. 2 answer, "Freddy Krueger".

    Steve: "Freddy Kr- who the hell are you married to?!"

  • For the win: "If Santa Claus was sick on Christmas Eve, who might he ask to deliver the presents?" "The Easter Bunny." She was right.
  • In what probably is the first time this has ever happened since Celebrity Family unit Feud (or the TNA special):

    Mike: (buzzes in) Shit. (cue laughter, collective facepalms, and Harvey's WTF face) ...tin I say that? It'south the first matter that came to my head.

    • Harvey gain to grill Mike for swearing on daytime Tv set, and then turns to the director to ask how in the Hell he's supposed to work effectually that. His reply was accustomed and written on the board as "Any money".
  • February xviii, 2013: "Proper name something in a honeymoon suite that encourages romance." "K-Y Jelly"
  • November 27, 2013: Unfortunate Implications are not express to the living.

    Steve: Name something y'all know nearly zombies.

    [Christie buzzes in]

    Christie: Black.

    Steve: [deadpan] They're black, okay. [laughter]

    Christie: I don't know if they're white, alright. Just help me. [long, awkward suspension] It'south up there! It's up in that location!

  • While a contestant introduced himself, Steve was fixing his tie. Then this happened:

    Contestant: I'yard a product development consultant, and Steve Harvey is touching me!

    Steve: *jumps back, startled* ...Did that sound like a lawsuit to yous?

  • This exchange:

    Steve: Name a place people similar to escape to.

    Contestant: A drunken state!

    Steve: *looks upward with a 'what the hell' expression*

    • The contestant has to clarify what she meant, for a moment Steve thought she was talking about an actual land. He mentions he was thinking of Alabama or Georgia or something similar.
  • I Fast Money question was, "Name a reasonable curfew for a 16-twelvemonth-old." The contestant answered...

    Contestant: Six o'clock!

    Steve: Vi o'clock? GET IN THE Firm, Information technology'S SIX O'CLOCK!

  • The inevitable answer to this question:

    Steve: Proper noun something a human has that he likes to polish.

    Contestant: His man part! *audition laughs while Steve gives him his I'thou-losing-organized religion-in-humanity look* ...Not that I know from feel-

    Steve: Close upwards.

  • "Name something y'all pull out." "Your penis!"
  • Steve met a contestant named Khanh, who was a heavy set man. When he asked Khanh what he did for a living, he responded, "I'yard a recovering vegetarian." Cue Steve losing it.
  • The terminal respond to "Proper name something you fantasize nearly hitting your husband with" was a giant rubber dong. (For bonus humor, read through the comment section where the commenters guess what the category was, basically playing If This Is The Respond What Was The Question.)
  • This one. The question was "Proper noun a word or phrase that ways 'Naked'". The contestant said "Nekkid", and Steve Harvey went on a huge rant saying how he wouldn't be able to employ that. The contestant and so decides on "Scantily Clad". Harvey loses it.
    • The contestant (Arvell) tries to justify his answer, and Steve gives a response that could simply about sum up his attitude towards every silly answer he hears on the evidence.
  • Asking for the all-time depression voice someone has ever heard, "Harry Styles." Steve's reaction is hilarious.

    Steve: Harry Styles, ha ha ha, who the hell is that?

  • "We asked 100 men; name something y'all might like about living life as a adult female." "I can accept my very own breasts!" It was the #i respond.
  • "Name something a doctor might pull out of a person". Yous might non believe the answer even later on you hear information technology
  • "We talked to a hundred women, name something nearly women wouldn't be caught expressionless leaving the house without." "Their vibrator." Steve'due south improv is only golden. "Well, on my manner to the grocery store...Where in the world is my toy? Ain't no tellin' how long these lines gon' exist..."
  • "If the Statue of Liberty were a human being, name something it might exist property instead of a torch." The number four answer, "its wang", prompts Steve to mime doing so immediately. The folks over at Whose Line Is It Anyhow? would have joined in with him.
  • This contestant failed to realize that their answer was already up on the lath.
  • "Name a little animal that'southward as scary to people as a big shark." "Chihuahua." Steve says he would swoop into the audience naked if its upwards at that place; it's not.
  • November 24, 2014: "Name something women wear that was obviously designed past men considering it's uncomfortable simply sexy." "Texas, Steve! Texas." Harvey is dumbfounded past the respond, even more so later the contestant says that this was what he meant to say, and provides naught explanation.
    • Later on, from the opposing family: "Proper noun an animal that, if information technology could talk, would say 'I'k all ears.'" "One-time man." As function of his reaction, Steve proceeds to blurt out "Texas!"
  • This contestant somehow misses the buzzer .
  • May 14, 2015: "Tell me a nickname that someone gives their lover that starts with the word 'sugar'." "Saccharide dumpling." You know an answer is ridiculous when it makes Steve breaks into song...
  • Engagement unknown, uploaded on Baronial 5, 2015: "Proper noun something a farmer's wife might charge him of caring about more her." The contestant says "farm equipment" first, but Steve says he needs to be more specific...

    Contestant: His... hoe?
    (the entire audition cracks upward)
    Steve: I kid you lot not, I couldn't take wrote a joke better than that! That's the all-time damn reply I've ever heard as the host of Family Feud! That's damn bright!
    Contestant: Give thanks you lot, Steve.
    Steve: Now, it ain't up there, only that is the BEST damn answer that own't on the board I've ever heard!

  • In Fast Money, "How many of the Ten Commandments have you cleaved this calendar month?" "Seven." Steve loses it when he goes over the results (the first person said "three")

    Steve: You said ... seven outta ten! Who does that? In a calendar month!? What have you washed? Who'd y'all kill? You lot stole some stuff, which one is it? Which 1 of the 3 didn't she practise?!

  • September 18, 2015: "If you were an octopus, name something you could do to 8 people all at one time." Yes, they went there, and the very commencement guess was "suck on them" (not on the board). Information technology culminated with one woman giving an reply that was besides hot for Television set (merely apparently hot enough for YouTube) annotation ("Wiggle them off"); it was accustomed as "Fondle/Their butts".
  • In Fast Money, "Name something that would make a political party depressing." "Expressionless person." It scored 8 points.
  • "What would make yous suspect that your new home was haunted?". The #4 answer: "A ghost impregnated me".
  • "What might a blind date conveniently forget to mention about himself?" After v seconds of almost reaching for the buzzer, a member of the right family does and answers "He'due south blind."
    • Some other answer to that question was "He'southward a woman"
  • November 23, 2015: "Proper noun a role of a man's body that if hair were ripped from it, information technology might cause him to cry." The first person says "chest", and of grade the 2d person said "Penis". Even amend is the fact that the judges actually considered it a valid respond (presumably, they counted it every bit "Crotch"), and information technology scored 26 points!
  • The Hilarious Outtakes, which the show posts to its website and YouTube: note (Unremarkably when neither player gives a right answer in the Face-Off.)

    Steve: They're gonna throw it out, we're gonna become back. Information technology's nobody's fault, we just have a bad question sometimes. Then you match a bad question with 2 bad answers...

  • The crew ambushes Steve past flashing a rather shocking film of i of the answers on the lath. The reaction sells it: "When the hell'd we start using props?"
  • "We asked 100 women: Name something yous like to practice when yous're home solitary." The answer: "Masturbate". And when it's non up at that place, she insists the women lied.
  • February 23, 2016: Steve asks for "some other style people say 'mother'"; one contestant seemingly tests his patience by giving answers that had already been said, with slightly different pronunciations.
    • That aforementioned family went on to the Fast Coin round, since the other family couldn't steal the points from the normal round. The first contestant, Cecilia, gave 3 bad answers and 1 decent one (she couldn't think of anything for the first question), for a total of 19 points. Steve doesn't take the heart to tell the 2d contestant, Sam, simply how many points he needs, and earlier asking for 25 seconds on the clock, he says "Let's remind everyone of Cecilia's answer." Sam had already been struggling to keep a directly face, and finally lost it when Steve said this.
  • February 24, 2016: (Fast Money) "Proper noun something Granddaddy is likewise erstwhile to exist riding on." "His wife." Fifty-fifty more hilarious? This answer won the game.
  • Steve asks one human his occupation. "I'm a colon and rectal surgeon." After Steve goes off on him well-nigh why they be and wanting to poke his eye out (and getting the proffer "Find a surgeon with pocket-size hands", and property up his ain for accent), he moves on to his brother...who'due south a gastroenterologist.

    Steve: So y'all on one end, he'south on the other? I just put it down there, y'all take it out? That is so jacked up.

  • October 13, 2016: "Name something you only take one ready of." First, someone answers "Balls". Yes, it's up there. Later, some other contestant answers "breasts". It'southward listed on the lath as "Dairy Cannons", which leaves Steve in disbelief.
  • "Something you lot put on celery before eating it. You said 'Mustard'. [Trounce] No i does that."
  • "Besides tennis, proper noun a sport played with a dissonance. You said... [The answer "Lacrosse" appears on the lath] the sport with a stick. [crowd laughs]
  • February 6, 2017: On one question, the cablegram doesn't brand its sound when a histrion hits it (leading to an awkward moment).
    • During Fast Money:"Name something that goes upwards and down." "Breasts."
  • "Fill in the bare; some politicians belong in the White Firm. Others vest in the [blank]house." "The White Firm." Steve'due south reaction and mocking derails the game for several minutes, and he even uses the same mocking tone for his sign-off at the end of the show.
  • July 13, 2017: "Proper name a kind of adapt that'south not appropriate for the part." The contestant mishears Harvey and answers with: "Craven noodle".
  • April 18, 2018: During a Fast Money round, "Proper name a place you see a lot of unhappy men." Kevin answers with: "weddings".
  • Steve Harvey asks a contestant to "Name something that dries upwardly when it gets old". The first person to answer, Grant, meekly says, "Asparagus", and immediately cringes. It's not simply upward there (counted as "Fruits/Vegetables"), information technology's also the very acme answer with 44 responses. Steve accuses Grant of making a guess he knew wasn't up in that location before finally admitting that he was the ane that doubted information technology was upwards there.

    Steve Harvey: ...if the letters [in] "asparagus" had popped upwards on that lath, (Beat) I woulda shot myself.

  • One family's bad Fast Money round has some seriously hilarious moments, who otherwise got over $40,000 in their run. The starting time contestant says that a man's "perfect height for a adult female" was "5'x"", and answers the next question, "name something on your body that might get pulled", with "penis." Steve struggles to read the tertiary question... twice.
    • The 2nd contestant proceeds to ALSO judge "5'10"" and "penis" , guessing "4'3"" and "nipples" instead. Steve struggles to read the third question for the third time and promptly walked off the ready.
    • What'south even funnier is that this is one of the few times a zero points answer got repeated. What's fifty-fifty funnier than that is that "Nipples" scored 2 points. What's funnier than that is that the meridian answer was "hair", something the two contestants and the host don't have.
  • One of the questions was "If a man walks in on his married woman when she'southward in the bathroom, what would she throw at him?" The survey revealed that four people said "Her poop." Steve'south expression was just priceless. Even better, instead of reading along when it was revealed on the board, the audition just groaned in disgust.
  • The appearance of the Obu family. During introductions, Steve gets distracted past one name tag in the bunch...

    Steve: Your name is Obu? And your last proper noun is Obu? "Obu Obu"?
    Obu: That's right.
    Ibum: You should ask him what his center name is.
    Obu: Steve's not ready for that, no; Steve'southward not ready for that!
    Steve: You lot don't know how ready I am! Matter of fact, we're non doing a damn matter until we observe out! What'south your middle name, Obu?
    Obu: It'due south Obu.
    Steve: "Obu Obu Obu"?
    Obu: Yes sir. Should I testify my ID?
    Steve: Nah, I don't gotta see your ID...exercise yous have it on y'all?
    Obu: That'due south always the procedure I go through. (shows ID to Steve) Why don'tcha check this out.
    Steve: I'll be damned... uh, who named yous Obu Obu Obu?
    Obu: My father.
    Steve: Your father... your begetter still livin'?
    Obu: Aye sir, he'due south right out there in the audition.
    [Obu's begetter stands up and waves, the crowd erupts in cheers equally Steve walks over to him.]
    Steve: Yeah, you just who I'm looking for. What'south your name, sir?
    Father: OBUUUUUUUUU!
    (Steve folds his arms and simply kind of looks around while the crowd thanks once again)
    Steve: (in a faux "African" accent") WE ARE HAPPY. Yous ARE HERE.
    (The Obu family explodes with laughter behind him)

  • Ane Fast Money round started off with a prepare of answers that only scored 14 points. But it wasn't the answers, information technology was the 2nd family member's stunned reaction that prepare Steve off in a fit of laughter that tin all-time be described as 'squeaky toy'.
  • Virtually the cease of the first part of a Fast Money circular, Steve asked "Name something you practice while on the burrow that you also practice in bed." as a question, and was given "rub yourself" as the respond past the first contestant. Steve was so frozen that he couldn't even manage to land the last question before the timer ran out. The priceless part? Iii other people actually gave the same answer on the survey.


    Steve: (to the second contestant) Chavoy, surprisingly, got some points he shouldn't accept.

  • "If a human cheats on his wife, name something of his she might throw into a wood chipper." One contestant goes the Freudian route and says "his junk", and gets a point, merely the residual of the family unit's nicer alternatives aren't plenty to sweep the lath and the other family unit steals. Their consensus? "The other woman." The capper is non that they're right, simply that, on the board, it's counted as "Pickle Pleasin' Ho".
  • "Tell me a word a hubby would apply to fill in the blank, 'I would Blank for sex'." - Lie, die, pay, beg, kill. The ii ladies say "cook" and "clean"; the fact that Steve agrees with all the male answers more than and more as it goes on and gets more and more involved is hilarious.
    • When they cycle dorsum to the ladies, Steve just tells the other team "become set to steal". Predictably, they practice - unpredictably, their caput of the family fouls it up for them by answering, style besides proudly, "cry for sexual practice". Steve smacks him.
    • Then there'due south his sheer joy when someone suggests the give-and-take "impale".

      Steve: I would kill for - I would impale for sex! Yeah! KILL! (Board lights up with "Impale" every bit the no. two respond)

  • In one episode, in that location was a teenager who was easily One Head Taller than the other men on the evidence, including his male parent and older brothers, leading to this exchange:

    Contestant: Yep, I'm a sophomore in loftier schoolhouse.

    Steve: Great—what major?

    Steve: Oh. *looks upward at him* Damn. Yous're the tallest one hither.

  • Ane item case that also doubles as an crawly moment; "Name a male glory that tin be described every bit bald and beautiful." Steve practically begged for at least one person mistakenly thinking of him fitting this somehow: he was worth 25 points! He also riffed on the other celebrities who came up as answers. Even improve, was that all of the answers on the right half of the board were worth only ii fewer points combined than Steve Harvey.
  • "Nosotros asked 100 men: name a food that makes yous think about sex." Cue the kid, who's probably not onetime plenty to have sex, shouting "HOT DAWG!". His opponent's answer of "whipped foam" (which, kudos to her, is probably true!) is not on the lath, and then Steve goes to the family of the kid. The next answer? "Donut", and it dissolves into a discussion about sex education, which is as hilarious as it sounds.
    • Later, during that aforementioned question, two other answers given were "meatballs" and "tacos" (the latter acquired Steve to throw his cards away in exasperation while walking over to the other team).
  • "Proper name something on your wife'due south shopping list that looks similar she'south planning a murder." At some point Steve realizes that the family is a little too familiar with this subject...
  • Fast Money with the second thespian, Large Beautiful Woman Mandi, which immediately throws a shadow over the very first question (name the perfect waist size for a woman). Mandi's answer was 34", which gets a 0, and Steve reveals that the top reply was actually 24", which doesn't assistance much... until Steve is reminded of the lyrics to the funk archetype "Brick Firm", and Mandi likewise knows the words, leading to the whole scene mutating into a musical number.
    • Qualifying for an Awesome moment equally well, Mandi was besides responsible for one of those answers that Steve is absolutely certain isn't on the board... until it is.
  • "Give me a boy'due south name that starts with the letter H." The contestant's reply? Jose. Cue Steve Harvey just turning away with a blank expression that reads, "Did he really just say that?".
  • The questions and answers become bad when the person with the raunchy reply has an enabler...

    Steve: Tell me the last matter y'all stuck your finger in?
    (The contestant looks frontward for a few moments, so glances at the woman next to him)
    Kevin: My wife, Steve!
    Steve: (looks away, exasperated)
    Kevin: (high-fives his married woman)
    Steve: I've had a lot of good answers... my favorite answer of all time. (Beat) Don't practice that no more.

    • To acme things off, when he asks Kevin's married woman the aforementioned question, he immediately turns to Kevin, who says in response, "No, sir."
  • "If the Easter Bunny pooped processed, what specific processed would he poop?" Many hilarious answers were given, but the most hilarious has to be Carol's reply of "Penny Tootsie Rolls with the paper off." It says a lot when Steve tin can't even finish proverb her reply without cracking up.
  • "We asked 100 married women... Name a kind of gunkhole that best describes your man in the bedroom." Contestant Brian answers with "aircraft carrier". Steve'south reaction afterwards just adds to the hilarity.
  • "Name something people run beyond their lips."

    Jim: Gravy. (laughs)
    Steve: (while laughing) You're merely trying to give the safest answer you can. You know practiced and hell well that ain't up here. Gravy!

    • The funniest part is that gravy actually was on the lath at #5, listed equally "Food/Juicy Scarlet". This results in Steve tossing his card and walking off the ready, as if he's given upwards on humanity.
  • "We asked 100 women... Name something the Pillsbury doughboy and your man have in common." Contestant Neb laughs in exasperation before answering "he'southward white". This results in Steve, while laughing, walking off and throwing his cards away. That existence said, Steve claims it to exist 1 of his favorite answers.

    Steve: Aw man, that's funny to me. Homo, that'due south the all-time answer I've always heard. I-I dear existent answers, human being.

  • "If they sold a Steve Harvey costume for Halloween, what might it come up with?" Lil Wayne look-alike Lamont answers with "a large olfactory organ." This leads to Steve repeatedly threatening to tear the game board down if "big olfactory organ" is up there. Thankfully for him, it wasn't.
  • One Fast Money question asked for another word for "toilet". A contestant said "Shitter" which appeared on the lath as "Sh***er". He got two points for it.
  • From a celebrity episode involving NFLPA members: "If Captain Hook was moonlighting equally a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool?" Bruce Smith guesses "a penis".
  • "Proper name something Steve has had more than one of." Vague enough on its own, and the final answer on the board is but ridiculous, just Steve's reaction to the second last answer is a thing of beauty.
  • "I'm a stripper but I tell people I'm actually X". The kickoff estimate is "nurse", which makes perfect sense. Turns out she really is a nurse... maybe.
  • I affair that almost always happens on the show is that a family volition cheer for a person's answer - "Good answer! Good reply!" - even if it's painfully obvious that it isn't. However, i episode had a refreshing aversion of this: the question was, "Proper name something a person does sitting down," and the contestant gave her respond, "Magic carpet ride." Later a moment'southward pause:

    Mike: "Yes! Good answer!" (turns to Steve) "If that'south up there, I'll eat your tie."

  • You might accept problem getting a babysitter if y'all don't have any X. There'south a lot of straightforward answers to this one, but the head of the household goes two levels deep and suggests the bodily kids.

    Steve: Yeah, what you don't want to do is go up the married woman and tell her (swagger on) This is the babysitter...

Celebrity Family Feud

  • Of class, the New Glory Family unit Feud had to pb off with "Name something a nude magician might pull a rabbit out of." Anthony Anderson'due south mom says "His basics"; cue anybody trying to emphasize that this is supposed to be a family evidence.

    Steve: This show is goin' to hell. The kahunas! [strike]

  • June 28, 2015: Information technology'southward NFL night (AFC vs. NFC). 49ers tight terminate Vernon Davis stole the show.
    • "If you're skilful at reading body language, which function of a woman speaks the loudest?" "Her feet."
    • Steve scalding Terrell Suggs for striking the buzzer too difficult.
    • "Name something that follows the discussion 'strip'." The whole round was pretty much a laugh riot, but taking the cake, "Strip rip", and Vernon trying to play the Pork-cupine card with "-Per".
  • July 19, 2015: "Name something that can be inflated or deflated." Steve absolutely knows something bad is about to happen the moment he looks at the card, because up against Holly Robinson Peete is Rob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots. Holly Robinson Peete gives a low-scoring reply, but Rob decides to pass, perhaps considering of poor timing. annotation (The Patriots had recently been involved in a controversy surrounding allegations that they had used deflated footballs during NFL post-season games) Then we as well become the bad answers "condom" and "teddy bear".
  • July three, 2016: "Proper noun something people do sexier than others." "Drive." Steve remarks that this was the offset time he had ever heard the opponents laugh at an answer.
  • July 10, 2016: "Make full in the blank: 'pie in the [what?]'" Snoop Dogg, being the person that he is, says "Horse." Steve cannot cover what the hell that answer is supposed to mean. And he was hoping they'd become to the answer, every bit Snoop'due south squad was doing exceptionally well. The respond before put him at 199.

    Steve: WELL. (Snoop reels in disgust, and so squats downwardly, pantomiming shooting craps) Sometimes, God hears and answers prayers. I at present become to find out what the hell he said. We need one betoken! Make full in the blank: Pie in the—what the hell did you say? What?! (walking up to the board) PIE IN THE WHAT?! (the word "Equus caballus" appears on the board) Pie. In the horse. (walks back to Snoop) Folks, when your brain cells accept...(Snoop and the audition express joy)...when your encephalon cells have suffered a little're gonna take moments like this. This is going to be on YouTube. Cuz Snoop simply said PIE IN THE HORSE.

  • In another Celebrity Family Feud fast coin, Buccaneers defensive tackle Gerald McCoy was asked, "Nosotros asked 100 married women… If men wore loincloths, what size would your husband clothing?". His answer? "3X." This caused Steve to end the clock and briefly walk off the set.

    Steve: (in a high-pitched voice) DAMN! 3X! 'Mama, here come up that man!'

    • Arguably fifty-fifty more hilarious was in that same fast money round, Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Stefon Diggs was asked to cease the phrase, "get out it _____." Diggs answered without hesitation, "In." Needless to say, Steve was shocked.

      Steve: Is this real? Oh my god.

  • July 31, 2016:

    Steve: Proper noun someone you kiss cheerio but never passionately.

    James Hinchcliffe: That'south a prevarication! I've seen you ii kiss!

    [Tony "TK" Kanaan goes over to kiss Conor on the cheek.]

    Hinch: You tell me there wasn't passion in that!

    • Even ameliorate, Conor'due south respond was accepted every bit "My Friend/Broski"!
    • Too, Volition Power is unable to reply anything above the chugalug.

    Steve: A wife might tell her husband 'Yes, I'll vesture lingerie if you lot wear...' what?

    Will: A sock? (It's on the lath every bit 'rubber/weenie beanie')

    Steve: Name something of King Kong's that's really long.

    Will: His, uh...

    Hinch: Easy.

    Volition: His ding-dong? (As well on the board equally 'His Male monarch-A-Ling')

    • Too, Steve played wingman for the recently single Hinch.
  • "Proper noun something that could ruin a kiss." Later Jaleel White's "chapped lips" answer fails to steal the points, Steve reveals the other answers...and #iv is "a haul tooty". Cue defoliation from everybody .

    Rico: ...what is that?
    Jaleel: (looking highly confused)
    Rico: Do y'all have an explanation for that, Steve?
    Steve: (looks around, confused)
    Jaleel: (raises his paw, beckons Steve over) Um...if I'thou gonna leave this evidence equally a loser today, I would just like to know what is a "haul tooty"?
    Raini: I'1000 interested to know. I'm confused over here.
    Steve: The, uh, the unabridged minority population is confused. The blacks and browns have come together in... finally. Finally. And looking out at the others out in the audience, white people don't know what the hell that is either! And then finally, we have found a common ground! Don't NOBODY know what the hell a "booty tooty" is!

    • Information technology takes someone in the audition to betoken out that it's a really foreign way of saying "fart."
  • July 9, 2017: "Name a word that rhymes with 'yummy'". Basketball Hall of Famer Gary Payton first answers with "hummy". Then, baseball game player Pedro Martinez answers with Miami.
    • In that episode'southward Fast Money, Pedro answers "Nosotros asked 100 men: In your life, how many fistfights take you been in?" with ''fifteen''.
    • In the following game, i of the guesses for "Name a good place where you can cry" is "a restaurant". Harvey mocks information technology by assuming what a person might do in that state of affairs and doesn't weep until he "opens up the menu".
  • From a celebrity edition featuring Country Music singer Scotty McCreery and his family. Scotty's Fast Money response to "Name something you saw and immediately said, 'I'll take it.'" was "Fried chicken", which acquired Steve to laugh and say "My man!" earlier reading the side by side question. He then followed it up with an even better one: "Proper name something you think of when y'all hear the word 'boo'." "Yah." (as in the slang term "Booyah!") "Fried craven" got 11 points, and they won the jackpot before Steve could reveal whether or not "Yah" got any points.
  • The 2019 season of Celebrity Family Feud was capped off with the most legendary Television set family matchup: The Goldbergs vs. Blackish. Needless to say, things went downhill fast and many laughs were had. Some highlights from the effect:
    • Anthony Anderson trying to "bribe" Steve out of playing the friction match, which leads to the latter jokingly declaring squad Blackish as the winners.
    • Jeff Garlin's entire introduction is zip short of hilarious, from casually mentioning that he's dating Anthony's mama Doris, to specifying that his charity is not called "Fudge" Cancer, considering the disease doesn't exist in Family Feud.

    Steve Harvey: Okay, I gotcha. You are stupid.

    • The question "What practise you think Steve Harvey smells like?" resulted in a bunch of howlers (such as Sam being utterly ashamed of answering "sex", and Anthony really smelling Steve and so that he could get his "cocoa butter" answer right), but the i reply on the lath that got Steve to practice a Flat "What" was "Lilac/Flowers".
    • After the round for the question "What torso role does your female parent take that yous promise yours doesn't await similar?" ended, among the predictable insult answers on the board, 1 was revealed to be "Hag Nose/Cat Confront". Everyone was offended, especially Steve Harvey, whose mother fits the former description.

    Tracee: "Hag nose"?

    Anthony: What's a "Cat Confront"?

  • As testament to what this show has finally done to Steve Harvey, this 1 (the families of Jeff Dunham vs Ming-Na Wen) shows Steve conspicuously expecting the hilariously inappropriate answer when it really isn't.
  • June 20, 2021: "Name a famous doctor who you hope isn't performing surgery on anyone." The first reply given, which wasn't on the lath, was "Dr. Oz." Likewise, the tiptop two answers of "Dr. Dre" and "Dr. Phil."


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